Appunti per una resistenza culturale #14Once upon a time in the library | Pinacoteca di Brera
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Appunti per una resistenza culturale #14
Once upon a time in the library

Once upon a time in the library

It was in the heart of the city, in a palace called Brera. It was a very grand library, founded by the Empress Maria Teresa many many years ago. The library was full of treasures: rare books, precious manuscripts, letters, maps and drawings. It was a very important library for scholars, students and the whole city. But then a dark cloud of illness came over the country, and all the schools, museums, theatres and even libraries had to close their doors. It was a very bleak time, and everyone had to stay at home, lonely, worried, and even a little frightened. But just as manuscripts don’t burn, libraries don’t stop, even when the doors are closed. So this library decided that if people could not come to the library, the library would go to them. It thought of all the children stuck at home unable to go to school, and started to read.



The Night Garden
Text by
James m. Bradburne

“There was no denying it was hot. No-one could remember a summer quite like it. Even the old people – fathers, mothers, impossibily old uncles – could not among them remember a summer so hot, nor a heat so relentless and unforgiving.”

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