Image Requests | Pinacoteca di Brera

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Pinacoteca di Brera Informazioni
Image Requests

Image Requests


The images of the works owned by the Pinacoteca di Brera, present on the website, are freely downloadable and usable for purposes of study, cultural promotion and communication (non profit purposes) by: (*)

• Associations, Foundations or other non-profit entities
• Television editorial offices
• Publishing houses
• Journalists
• Scholars
• Curators, art critics

We invite those who fall into the previous categories to download the images directly from the “Online Collection” section.

We ask to quote the credit: ©Pinacoteca di Brera, Milano


For all other cases and for all requests, please fill out the form below.

Commercial uses/profit purposes are subject to concession fee,
non commercial uses are subject to reimbursement of expenses.

For editorial products, it is necessary to indicate the intended use of the image (e.g. cover/interior), the expected circulation (and download for ebook) and the selling price.


Please note:

• request management could take up to 30 days;

• all applications are subject to charges: a reimbursement of expenses for non-commercial uses, a licence fee for commercial uses;

• we cannot guarantee the supply of images not present in the archive.


(*) pursuant to art. 6 and 108 of Codice dei Beni culturali e del paesaggio (D.lgs 42/04)


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Per ulteriori informazioni e chiarimenti

Tel. 02 72263203
fax 0 72001140

Per ulteriori informazioni e chiarimenti

Tel. 02 72263203
fax 0 72001140

The Collection Online/ 684 records

The Collection Online/ 684 records