What to Experience at the Museum
You can enjoy the Museum with the Interactive Map
You can read label under paintings, itineraries, museum guide Museo per tutti
Look for the labels under each painting; they are large and legible, offering essential data and different looks to reconstruct the historical context and clarify the meaning of the work.
Download thematic tours for a visit focused on individual topics that characterize the Pinacoteca di Brera’s collection.
Download the Museo per tutti guide, a guide designed for people with cognitive difficulties but also very useful for children, foreigners or those who want basic information about the Brera paintings.
You can touch the textile labels and bas-reliefs
You can smell the olfactory labels
You can listen to audio guides, Descrivedendo, music played live
Listen to the audioguides Voci nel museo on IZI Travel. you can download or listen to them online.
DescriVedendo, listen to the morphological descriptions of the most important works in the museum (suitable for everyone, including visually impaired people).
You can draw on our Brera Drawing Bench or with the drawing kit
The Brera Drawing benches are drawing benches distributed throughout the museum rooms, complete with sheets and pencils, that invite you to freely copy or interpret the museum’s masterpieces.
A handy bag, to take with you to the museum, that contains white sheets and colored pencils for drawing, jotting down names or impressions. Ask for them at the reception desk at the Pinacoteca di Brera.
Have you ever tried drawing in a museum? You can’t imagine how many things you can do with a sheet of paper and a pencil! Build your own drawing kit at home, following our instructions, and take it with you to the Pinacoteca or wherever you like.
And, if you want, you can play with us by downloading these drawing cards
You can play with the suitcase Piera
You can sit on the sofas or on the floor or stools in the halls that you can take with you
You can take a break during the visit for coffee or stop for lunch
You can buy a souvenir or a book….
Pinacoteca di Brera
Via Brera, 28
20121 Milan (Italy)
fax: +39 02 720 011 40
[email protected]
Call Center Pinacoteca di Brera for assistance with reservations
(Mon-Sun, 9 a.m.-6 p.m.)
tel: +39 02 72105 141
E-mail: pinacotecadibrera@ operalaboratori.com