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The Educational Department of the Friends of Brera Association.
In 1985 the Association of Friends of Brera and of the Milanese Museums provided financial backing for the work of a group of art historians, already active at the Art Gallery in educational initiatives for schools. Initially and for some years, this presence responded to the requests, from numerous schools of all levels, for qualified guides for visits to the Pinacoteca. The activity of the Educational Services, begun in the late 1940s, is a constant and distinctive part of the Association’s life, aimed at reaching not only its members but also other groups of beneficiaries differentiated by origin and educational background, not neglecting neighbourhood libraries and cultural centres. With this work, the Association represented Italy at UNESCO in Paris on the theme of the “Educational and cultural function of museums”. Its collaboration with the teaching staff of the Superintendency of Milan has enabled the association to support refresher courses for elementary school teachers as well as proposing the contents for refresher courses held for teachers in middle schools. Since 2018, for all courses, the teaching materials have been revised by an expert specialised in learning problems, children with specific learning disabilities and special needs.
Civita Mostre e Musei
We offer innovative education experiences, with workshops and activities based on an integrated approach that combines cultural content, digital educational platforms, and emotional intelligence, in line with the European Commission’s digital education action plan.
With our approach to education, teachers can offer a new way of teaching to students through a fully participatory learning experience, as well as highly flexible activities tailored to the needs of individual classes. We are constantly designing workshops where multimedia technologies and hands-on experience are the keys to interactive and engaging learning. Our educational offer is also the result of well-established and dynamic collaborations with organisations, cultural institutions, and local administrations, for the development of cross-sectional projects dedicated to all types of visitors, with particular attention to visitors with special needs.
Internal Educational Department
Sofia Incarbone
[email protected]
[email protected]
Educational Division Friends of Brera Association
For information and reservations:
tel. +39 02 867354 (da lunedì a venerdì 9.30-18.30)
[email protected]
Civita Mostre e Musei
For information:
[email protected]
For reservations:
tel. +39 02 72105141
[email protected]