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€ 15,00Standard / Pinacoteca di Brera
€ 10,00Reduced / Pinacoteca di Brera
Combined ticket [temporarily not active]
Pinacoteca di Brera + Palazzo Citterio
€ 20,00Intero / Pinacoteca di Brera + Palazzo Citterio
€ 14,00Ridotto / Pinacoteca di Brera + Palazzo Citterio

Purchasing on Brera Booking (reservation required). To provide assistance in booking, the call center 02 72105141 is active every day from 9.00am to 6.00pm, and the email address [email protected].


Max 23 people + guide (groups are allowed every 30 minutes)

Useful information for visiting school groups:

  • For school groups, admission is free, but with compulsory reservation and microphones from the upper secondary school;
  • To book VISITS WITHOUT INTERNAL GUIDE you use the website (choosing the contingent GROUPS WITH THEIR OWN GUIDE);
  • For VISITS WITH INTERNAL GUIDE the reservation is made by writing an email to: [email protected] – Tel. +39 0272105141 / [email protected] – Tel. +39 02867354
€ 2,00Ragioguides
€ 5,00Audioguides

RADIOGUIDES at a cost of € 2 (including disposable earphones) must be used by groups of visitors during guided tours (groups of less than 3 people and those who have received authorization from the Pinacoteca di Brera are exempted from their use)

Italian, English, French and Spanish AUDIOGUIDES are available to visitors at a cost of € 5

Other rates

Special days for all

Those who are entitled to free or reduced admission may also avail themselves of them on reduced admission occasions.

  • MiC Special Events and Openings
  • Free admission with reservations every first Sunday of the month
Reductions and free entrance
(with valid document)
FreeUnder 18
(under 12 must be accompanied)
€ 2,00 / Pinacoteca di Brera
€ 4,00 / Pinacoteca di Brera + Palazzo Citterio[temporarily not active]
EU citizens aged from 18 until the age of 25
The reduction also applies to citizens of Norway, Iceland, Switzerland and Liechtenstein.
€ 7,50 / Pinacoteca di Brera
€ 10,00 / Pinacoteca di Brera + Palazzo Citterio [temporarily not active]
Over 70 years old (Tuesday and Wednesday)
€ 10,00 per adulto / Pinacoteca di Brera
€ 14,00 per adulto / Pinacoteca di Brera + Palazzo Citterio [temporarily not active]
“Families” means 1 or 2 adults + max 5 children, not necessarily consanguineous.
FreePeople with disabilities
With verbal exhibition Law 104. For foreign visitors an equivalent certification is required.
If the person with disabilities needs to be accompanied, the accompanying person will also have FREE (a family member or other companion who proves his / her membership in social and health assistance services). If not authorized, pay attention to the ZTL.
Students, teachers and scholars / researchers
FreeTeachers from Italian state and equivalent schools
 (permanent or with a fixed-term contract with service certification for the current year)
18appAccepted forms of payment
*The reduction also applies to citizens of Norway,
Iceland, Switzerland and Liechtenstein.
FreeTeachers* and students ** of Italian universities, faculties of architecture, conservation of cultural heritage, design, educational sciences and degree courses in literature or literary subjects with an archaeological or historical-artistic with address of the faculties of literature and philosophy
 (or of faculties and corresponding courses in the EU)
FreeTeachers* and students ** of Italian fine arts academies
 (and corresponding EU institutions)
FreeStudents of the advanced training courses of the Schools of the Italian Ministry of Culture
(Central Institute for Restoration, Opificio delle Pietre Dure, School for Mosaic Restoration)

*Teachers on unpaid leave or retired cannot take advantage of the free admission.
** With a paper or virtual document that demonstrates enrollment for the current year.

Job categories
FreeProfessional licensed guides and interpreters
FreeAdvertising and professional journalists
(members of the Italian national register with payment for the current year)

For foreign journalist or with different documents, gratuity is provided only if they have previously contacted/informed the Communication Office: [email protected]
FreeMiC employees
€ 5,00 / Pinacoteca di Brera
€ 7,00 / Pinacoteca di Brera + Palazzo Citterio [temporarily not active]
Italian Persons with unemployment certificate
Free*Operators of voluntary associations working through agreements with the MiC branch offices
Free*Researchers and scholars, with the authorization of the Pinacoteca and the Direzione Generale Musei
Free*Inspectors and Honorary Conservators of the Italian Ministry of Culture
FreeComando Carabinieri – Unit for Protection of Cultural Heritage

* On presentation of an individual card, lasting one year and with photograph, requested to the Direzione Generale Musei for study and research reasons or for particular and motivated needs.

FreeI.C.O.M. Members
(with current year payment)
FreeAmici di Brera e dei Musei Milanesi Association
(with current year payment)
FreeSubscription Museums Lombardy
(with current year payment)
The subscription is strictly personal and non-transferable. Not usable for days, periods or events that differ from the museum’s normal pricing plan (e.g., European Heritage Days).
FreeI.C.C.R.O.M. Members
Upon presentation of individual, year-long card with photograph requested from the General Directorate of Museums for reasons of study and research or for special and justified needs.
Special tickets
Passport Born in cultureSince May 2019, the newborns at the Buzzi Hospital receive a special passport that allows them to obtain two free admissions to visit the Picture Gallery. Tickets can be used by two adults who are not necessarily parents, even in the absence of the child.

Support Us

Your support is vital to enable the Museum to fulfill its mission: to protect and share its collection with the world.
Every visitor to the Pinacoteca di Brera deserves an extraordinary experience, which we can also achieve thanks to the support of all of you. Your generosity allows us to protect our collection, offer innovative educational programs and much more.

Cortile d'onore di Brera