Support us
Your support is vital to enable the Museum to fulfill its mission: to protect and share its collection with the world.
Every visitor to the Pinacoteca di Brera deserves an extraordinary experience, which we can also achieve thanks to the support of all of you. Your generosity allows us to protect our collection, offer innovative educational programs and much more.
Amici di Brera
The ASSOCIATION FRIENDS OF BRERA, among the oldest in Milan, has always worked for the knowledge, protection and enhancement of the historic Brera Palace (with the museum and research institutions housed therein) and Milan’s civic museums.
The Association, founded in 1926, suppressed during Fascism and reconstituted in 1949, promotes conferences and meetings, visits and trips to Milan, Italy and abroad, and educational activities for knowledge and updating.
It supports institutions through direct sponsorships, fundraising campaigns and donations (from Caravaggio’s Supper at Emmaus to the recent purchase of a work by the Master of the Pala Sforzesca).

Adopt an artwork!
A farmer can never stop fixing fences, and a museum can never stop restoring the paintings in its care – in fact, taking care of the paintings is a museum’s first responsibility.
The Brera has an open conservation laboratory, and four full-time restorers, but even so, many paintings still need attention by external specialists. This work costs money the museum does not have. We ask you to adopt a painting, and cover the costs of its restoration (there are three options: $5,000, $15,000 and $30,000). Every restoration will be recognized by a credit on the label when the work is on display.
If you want to enjoy tax deductibility in America, you can make your donation to the American Friends of Brera (hosted by the King Baudouin Foundation). If you want to receive the Art Bonus in Italy, the donation can be made directly to the Pinacoteca di Brera.
5 per mille
It’s simple. Simply put your signature and indicate the tax code of the Pinacoteca di Brera in the space provided on your tax return “Financing of activities for the protection, promotion and enhancement of cultural and landscape heritage” (730, UNICO and CUD forms).
It costs nothing. If you do not express any preference, the corresponding amount will still be donated to the state.
Remember. The 5 per Mille donation is free and is not an alternative to the 8 per Mille donation, you can express the double preference.
The tax code of the Pinacoteca di Brera is: 97725670158
Art Bonus
ART BONUS allows tax deductions of up to 65 percent of the amount donated to those who make liberal donations in support of Italy’s public cultural heritage.
Pursuant to Article 1 of Decree Law No. 83 of May 31, 2014, “Urgent provisions for the protection of cultural heritage, the development of culture and the revitalization of tourism,” converted with amendments into Law No. 106 of July 29, 2014, as amended, a tax credit was introduced for liberal cash disbursements in support of culture and entertainment, the so-called Art bonus, as a support for patronage in favor of cultural heritage.
Those who make liberal cash disbursements in support of culture, as provided by the law, will be able to enjoy significant tax benefits in the form of tax credit.