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Stories of the St. Joachim and St. Anne

Technical Details
  • Title
    Stories of the St. Joachim and St. Anne
  • Author
    Gaudenzio Ferrari
  • Year
    1541 - 3
  • Dimensions
    Lower register: cm 190 x 135 central panel - cm 190 x 65 side panels
  • Inventory
    Registro superiore: 34 al centro - 28 lato destro - 26 lato sinistro. Registro inferiore: 31 al centro- 31 lato destro - . 31 lato sinistro
  • Room

Erasmo Trivulzio’s wife Veronica Cavalcabò left money for a chapel to be dedicated to the Birth of the Virgin in Santa Maria della Pace in 1523, but the family’s political tribulations meant that it was 1541 to 1543 before her son Gaspare was able to commission its construction from Cristoforo Lombardi and its decoration from floor to ceiling by Gaudenzio Ferrari. This wall tells the story of Mary’s miraculous birth to ageing, sterile parents.

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