Virgin Enthroned with the Christ Child, St. Anne, St. Elisabeth, St. Augustine and the Blessed Pietro degli Onesti Ercole de Roberti
Madonna and Child enthroned with St. Andrew, St. Monica, St. Ursula and St. Sigismund Montagna (Bartolomeo Cincani)
Madonna and Child with St. James of Galicia and St. Helena Niccolò Pisano (Niccolò di Bartolomeo dell'Abrugia)
Madonna Enthroned with Angels, St. Apollonia, St. Augustine, St. Catherine, St. Joseph, St. Grata, St. Philip Benizzi and St. Barbara (St. Gotthard Altarpiece) Cariani (Giovanni Busi)
Resurrection of Christ, St. Jerome, St. John the Baptist and the Donors Ottaviano and Domitilla Vimercati at Prayer Cariani (Giovanni Busi)
The Crucifixion with the Virgin, St. Mary Magdalene, St. John the Evangelist and St. Vitus Garofalo (Benvenuto Tisi)